Desserts | Recipes

Classic Peanut Butter Cookies

I know. I know. Peanuts have become a bit of a public enemy in the past decade; however, if you are the part of the 99% of the world whose throat does not start closing up at the mere sight of the picture above, then stay with me. Nothing quite says America like a classic […]

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Desserts | Recipes

Carrot Cake

I am actually not big on desserts but I am a huge fan of celebrations and nothing says celebration more than a decadent labor-of-love dessert so I happen to have a few solid signature cake recipes in my back pocket. Big Country’s all-time favorite is carrot cake. He is always on the lookout for a […]

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Desserts | Recipes

Simply Tiramisu

I was out of town shopping with my girls last week and came across a package of ladyfingers which reminded me that it was my sister-in-law’s birthday and so I picked them up and came home and made her one of her all-time favorites–tiramisu. I delivered another plate of tiramisu deliciousness to my friend Carol […]

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Desserts | Recipes

Strawberries and (Ice) Cream Cake

My brother and his wife were in town for the week and he had a birthday coming up. We are never together on his birthday so I thought it would be fun to make him a proper birthday cake. Why do we stop making birthday cakes for adults as they get older? I mean, does […]

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Desserts | Recipes

Amazing Rosemary Lemon Shortbread

As much as I love complex flavors and dishes, there is something about the simpler foods that just feeds my soul. I fell in love with shortbread the first time I tasted Walker’s Pure Butter Shortbread decades ago. Since then, I have tasted a lot of different kinds of shortbread but for some reason, only […]

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Desserts | Recipes

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

My family will tell you that I’m not very traditional and there is some truth in that. I will find a new recipe and use it for a couple of years and then move on to something new and shiny. That said, for the past 4-5 years, I have been making these delicious cake-like cookies […]

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